
A message from the future ...

The other day I received one of my first ever pieces of fan mail, a meteoric event in and of itself, made all the more amazing because I received it from myself. That is to say, that I received a letter from another Mike Bilz, whom I can only assume is actually another version of myself from an alternate future, since the odds of someone else having the same name as me are in the range of One Quilliad to One against.

See for yourself, the evidence is indisputable.

I know this has nothing to do with paintings, but it was honestly one of the coolest things to happen to me in a really long time, and I just felt like sharing. I almost never receive fan mail, and never from such a distinguished source.

The Mike Bilz Club - current membership, 2


Anonymous said...

It's a little eerie how Mike Bilz II (or would he be the first, since he is older?) is a rather eerie blend of your father and your girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

I just used eerie twice in the same comment. Eerie.

angellee said...

I want to know why the future you has a mustache.